Electronic Theses and Dissertation

Universitas Syiah Kuala


Nama ilmiah capsicum sp. ialah cabai termasuk tanaman herba pada famili solanaceae, termasuk juga terong yang digemari banyak orang karena rasa pedas dan aroma yang menyengat sehingga dapat meningkatkan cita rasa makanan. variasi iklim dan permasalahan hama yang mempengaruhi produksi cabai sehingga sering terjadi kenaikan harga. upaya peningkatan produktivitas diantaranya penggunaan varietas unggul dan pupuk mkp (mono kalium posfat). penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa varietas dan pupuk mkp terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai rawit. penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan sektor timur fakultas pertanian universitas syiah kuala, banda aceh. pengamatan dilakukan di laboratorium hortikultura jurusan agroteknologi, universitas syiah kuala. penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan juli 2023 sampai dengan januari 2024. penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 3 varietas cabai rawit (bonita ipb, feira ipb dan shiara ipb) serta 2 konsentrasi pupuk mkp (kontrol dan konsentrasi 5g l-1) dengan 3 kali pengulangan. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas berpengaruh sangat nyata akan tinggi tanaman umur 15, 60, 90 hspt, diameter batang umur 15, 30 hspt, tinggi dikotomus, umur berbunga, umur panen, jumlah buah pertanaman, bobot buah per tanaman, panjang buah, bobot buah per buah dan potensi hasil ha-1, serta berpengaruh nyata pada tinggi tanaman umur 30 hspt. pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai rawit terbaik dijumpai pada varietas feira ipb. pupuk mkp berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah buah per tanaman, bobot buah per tanaman, panjang buah, diameter buah, bobot buah per buah, ketebalan daging buah dan potensi hasil ha-1. pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai rawit terbaik dijumpai pada kosentrasi pupuk mkp 5 g l-1. terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara varietas dengan pupuk mkp terhadap bobot buah per tanaman, panjang buah dan potensi hasil ha-1. kombinasi interaksi terbaik dijumpai pada varietas feira ipb dengan konsentrasi pupuk mkp 5 g l-1.


Scientific name Capsicum sp. Chilli is a herbaceous plant in the Solanaceae family, including eggplant which is loved by many people because of its spicy taste and strong aroma which can enhance the taste of food. Climate variations and pest problems affect chili production, resulting in frequent price increases. Efforts to increase productivity include the use of superior varieties and MKP (Mono Potassium Phosphate) fertilizer. This research aims to determine the effect of several varieties and MKP fertilizer on the growth and yield of cayenne pepper plants. This research was carried out at the East Sector Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. Observations were carried out at the Horticulture Laboratory, Agrotechnology Department, Syiah Kuala University. The research was carried out from July 2023 to January 2024. This research used a factorial Randomized Block Design consisting of 3 varieties of cayenne pepper (Bonita IPB, Feira IPB and Shiara IPB) and 2 concentrations of MKP fertilizer (control and 5g L-1concentration) with 3 repetitions. The results of the research showed that varieties had a very significant effect on plant height at 15, 60, 90 HSPT, stem diameter at 15, 30 HSPT, dichotomous height, flowering age, harvest age, number of fruit per plant, fruit weight per plant, fruit length , fruit weight per fruit and potential yield ha-1, as well as a significant effect on plant height at 30 HSPT. The best growth and yield of cayenne pepper plants was found in the Feira IPB variety. MKP fertilizer has a very significant effect on the number of fruit per plant, fruit weight per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight per fruit, thickness of fruit flesh and potential yield ha-1. The best growth and yield of cayenne pepper plants was found at a MKP fertilizer concentration of 5 g L-1. There is a real interaction between varieties and MKP fertilizer on fruit weight per plant, fruit length and potential yield ha-1. The best interaction combination was found in the Feira IPB variety with an MKP fertilizer concentration of 5 g L-1