Abstrak. upaya peningkatan produktivitas tanaman cabai rawit dapat dilakukan dengan caramemperhatikan teknik budidaya terutama pemupukan. pemupukan akan meningkatkan hasil tanaman cabai rawit jika diberikan dengan jenis dan konsentrasi yang tepat. pupuk organik padat yang mudah didapatkan adalah pupuk kandang berasal dari ternak sapi, penggunaan pupuk organik dapat memperbaiki struktur tanah karena bahan organik dapat mengikat partikel tanah menjadi agregat, memperbaiki distribusi ukuran pori tanah.penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis pupuk organik padat dan konsentrasipupuk organik cair serta interaksi antara keduanyaterhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai rawit. penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa tanjung selamat, dan laboratorium hortikultura, fakultas pertanian universitas syiah kuala, banda aceh yang dimulai pada bulan januari sampai dengan mei 2020. penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (rak)pola faktorial dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. faktor pertama jenis pupuk organik padat yang terdiri dari3 taraf yaitu 0 (kontrol), pupuk kandang dan pupuk kompos. faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi pupuk organik cair terdiri dari 4 taraf yaitu 0, ;1,5, ;3, ;dan 4,5 ml l air.parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman umur 15, 30, dan 45 hst, diemeter tanaman umur 15, 30 dan 45 hst, jumlah cabang produktif, jumlah buah pertanaman, berat buah pertanaman, berat basah akar, berat kering akar dan potensi hasil. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis pupuk organik padat berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah buah per tanaman, serta berpengaruh nyata terhadap berat buah per tanaman diameter batang tanaman umur 15 hst, dan berat basah akar, namun berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman umur 15, 30, 45 hst, diameter batang umur 30, 45 hst, jumlah cabang produktif, berat kering akar dan potensi hasil tanaman cabai rawit. pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai rawit terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan pupuk kompos. konsentrasi pupuk organik cair berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter batang umur 15 hst, berat basah akar dan berat kering akar namun berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman umur 15, 30, 45 hst, diameter batang umur 30, 45 hst, jumlah cabang produktif jumlah buah per tanaman, berat buah per tanaman dan potensi hasil tanaman cabai rawit. terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara perlakuan pupuk organik padat dan konsentrasi pupuk organik cairterhadap potensi hasil tanaman cabai rawit, pertumbuhan danhasil tertinggi dijumpai pada kombinasi pupuk kandang dengan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair 1,5 ml l-1 air. abstract. efforts to increase the productivity of cayenne pepper plants can be done by paying attention to cultivation techniques, especially fertilization. fertilization will increase the yield of cayenne pepper if given with the right dose and type. in addition to manure, the application of liquid organic fertilizer through the leaves provides the advantage of avoiding fixation, washing the leaves, absorbing nutrients faster and preventing soil damage. this study aims to determine the effect of the type of solid organic fertilizer and the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer and the interaction between them on the growth and yield of cayenne pepper. this research was conducted in tanjung selamat village, faculty and horticulture laboratory, syiah kuala university, banda aceh, starting from january 2020 to april 2020, this research was conducted using a factorial randomized block design (rak) with 2 factors and 3 replications. the first factor is the type of solid organic fertilizer which consists of 3 levels, namely 0 (control), manure and compost. the second factor is the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer which consists of 4 levels, namely 0, ;1,5, ;3, ;and 4,5 ml/water. parameters observed were plant height, plant diameter, number of productive branches, number of fruit planted, weight of fruit planted, root wet weight, root dry weight and yield potential. the results showed that the type of solid organic fertilizer had a very significant effect on the number of fruits per plant, and had a significant effect on fruit weight per plant, stem diameter at the age of 15 dap, and root wet weight, but had no significant effect on plant height at the age of 15, 30, 45 dap, 30 dap stem diameter, 45 dap, number of productive branches, root dry weight and potential yield of cayenne pepper. the best growth and yield of cayenne pepper was found in the compost fertilizer treatment. the concentration of phytonic liquid organic fertilizer had a significant effect on stem diameter at 15 dap, root wet weight and root dry weight, but had no significant effect on plant height at 15, 30, 45 dap, stem diameter at 30, 45 dap, number of productive branches, number of fruit per plant. there was a significant interaction between the type of solid organic fertilizer and the concentration of phytonic liquid organic fertilizer on the potential yield of cayenne pepper plant growth and the highest yield was found in the combination of fertilizer with a concentration of phytonic liquid organic fertilizer 1, 5 ml l-1 of water. cayenne pepper plant.
Electronic Theses and Dissertation
Universitas Syiah Kuala