Electronic Theses and Dissertation

Universitas Syiah Kuala




Sri Handayani - Personal Name;

Dosen Pembimbing

Agussabti - 196804081993031004 - Dosen Pembimbing I
Samadi - 196807171993031005 - Dosen Pembimbing II
Safrida - 196805281994032002 - Dosen Pembimbing III

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Fakultas & Prodi

Fakultas Pasca Sarjana / Program Doktor Ilmu Pertanian (S3) / PDDIKTI : 54001

Kata Kunci

Banda Aceh : Prog. Studi Doktor Ilmu Pertanian., 2025


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Sri Handayani. Pengelolaan Risiko Peternakan Sapi Berbasis Tipologi Usaha di bawah bimbingan Prof. Dr. Ir. Agussabti, M.Si., IPU sebagai promotor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi, M.Sc.,IPU sebagai Ko-Promotor I dan Dr. Ir. Safrida, M.Si sebagai Ko-Promotor II

Peternakan merupakan salah satu sektor pertanian penting yang terbukti mampu meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat terutama di negara-negara berkembang berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah. Di provinsi Aceh peternakan merupakan salah satu usaha yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan. Kondisi ini didukung oleh kondisi sosial budaya masyarakat Aceh yang suka mengkonsumsi daging dan potensi sumberdaya lahan beberapa wilayah di Aceh yang mendukung pengembangan peternakan. Peternakan sapi dapat di kategorikan berdasarkan sistem pemeliharaan yang digunakan. Setiap sistem memiliki karakteriatik dan metode yang berbeda dalam mengelola ternak sapi. Tipologi usaha peternakan sapi berdasarkan sistem pemeliharaan terdiri dari sistem pemeliharaan ekstensif, sistem pemeliharan intensif dan sistem pemeliharaan semi intensif. Setiap sistem memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan pada tujuan produksi, sumber daya yang tersedia dan kondisi lokal. Pemeliharaan sistem pemeliharaan yang tepat dapat mempengaruhi produksi, kesehatan ternak dan termasuk keberlanjutan usaha peternakan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis karakteristik peternakan sapi berdasarkan tipologi usaha, (2) menganalisis pengaruh antar variabel pengelolaan risiko dalam peternakan sapi berdasarkan tipologi usaha, (3) menganalisis simulasi strategi pengelolaan risiko peternakan sapi berbasis tipologi usaha peternakan sapi di Aceh.
Karakteristik peternakan sapi bervariasi tergantung pada tipologi usaha yang diterapkan. Setiap sistem pemeliharaan memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti kondisi lingkungan, ketersediaan pakan, metode pengelolaan kesehatan dan tujuan produksi. Tipologi usaha peternakan merujuk pada pengelompokkan usaha peternakan berdasarkan berbagai kriteria, seperti jenis ternak, skala operasional, tujuan usaha, dan sistem pemeliharaan. Pada penelitian ini tipologi usaha berdasarkan sistem manajemen terdiri dari sistem pemeliharaan ternak tradisional (ektensif), intensif dan semi intensif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut lokasi penelitian dilakukan di tiga kabupaten yaitu kabupaten Aceh Jaya, Kabupaten Aceh Besar dan Kabupaten Aceh Utara dimana dilokasi tersebut terdapat masing-masing sistem pemeliharaan ternak yang terdiri dari sistem pemeliharaan ternak secara ekstensif, sistem pemeliharaan ternak secara intensif dan sistem pemeliharaan ternak secara semi intensif.
Menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi hubungan antar variabel pengelolaan risiko dalam peternakan sapi berdasarkan tipologi usaha dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan persamaan simultan, dimana persamaan ini digunakan untuk memahami bagaimana variabel-variabel tersebut saling berinteraksi dan mempengaruhi satu sama lain secara bersamaan. Adapun spesifikasi setiap persamaan dalam ketiga sistem pemeliharaan sapi terdiri dari jumlah ternak sapi, produksi daging sapi dan harga ternak sapi. Pada sistem pemeliharaan ekstensif jumlah ternak dipengaruhi oleh biaya inseminasi, pakan ternak dan risiko penyakit. Produksi daging sapi dipengaruhi oleh jumlah ternak dan risiko produksi. Sedangkan harga ternak sapi dipengaruhi oleh produksi daging, biaya obat dan risiko harga. Pada sistem pemeliharaan intensif jumlah ternak dipengaruhi oleh biaya inseminasi dan pakan ternak. Produksi dipengaruhi oleh jumlah ternak, biaya inseminasi dan risiko produksi. Sedangkan harga ternak sapi dipengaruhi oleh biaya obat. Pada sistem semi intensif jumlah ternak sapi dipengaruhi oleh biaya inseminasi, pakan ternak, harga ternak dan risiko penyakit. Produksi daging dipengaruhi jumlah ternak, biaya inseminasi dan risiko produksi. Sedangkan harga ternak dipengaruhi oleh produksi daging, biaya inseminasi dan risiko harga. Biaya inseminasi, pakan ternak, dan jumlah ternak memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap produksi dan harga ternak, sedangkan risiko (penyakit, produksi, harga) umumnya berdampak negatif.
Simulasi strategi pengelolaan risiko peternakan sapi sistem pemeliharaan ekstensif jika penurunan risiko penyakit sebesar 10 persen, maka jumlah ternak sapi naik menjadi 19.351 persen, produksi daging naik sebesar 9.826 persen dan harga turun 1.800 persen. Penurunan risiko produksi 10 persen akan mengakibatkan jumlah ternak naik sebesar 0.428 persen, produksi daging naik sebesar 2.732 persen, harga ternak turun sebesar 0.501 persen. Penurunan risiko harga sebesar 10 persen berdampak pada jumlah ternak naik menjadi 0.477 persen, produksi daging naik menjadi 0.24 persen dan harga turun menjadi 0.559 persen. Pada sistim pemeliharaan intensif jika terjadinya penurunan risiko penyakit sebesar 10 persen maka jumlah ternak naik 2.424 persen, produksi daging naik 1.223 persen dan harga ternak naik sebesar 0.002 persen. Jika risiko produksi turun maka produksi naik menjadi 1.027 persen dan harga ternak turun menjadi 0.001 persen. Jika risiko harga turun maka akan menaikkan jumlah ternak sapi 0.010 persen, produksi daging sebesar 0.022 dan menurunkan harga ternak sebesar 0.047 persen. Pada sistem pemeliharaan semi intensif, jika terjadinya penurunan risiko penyakit sebesar 10 persen akan meningkatkan jumlah ternak 1.535 persen, produksi daging naik 0.798 persen, harga ternak naik 0.264 persen. Penurunan risiko produksi sebesar 10 persen, maka berdampak pada jumlah ternak naik sebesar 0.245 persen, produksi daging naik 0.915 persen, harga naik sebesar 0.301 persen. Penurunan risiko harga ternak sebesar 10 persen akan mengakibatkan jumlah ternak turun 0.602 persen, produksi daging turun 0.305 persen dan harga ternak turun 0.740 persen. Penurunan risiko penyakit memberikan dampak tersebsar pada peningkatan jumlah ternak dan produksi daging, terutama pada sistem ekstensif. Risiko harga dan produksi juga mempengaruhi hasil tetapi dampaknya lebih kecil dibandingkan risiko penyakit.

Sri Handayani. Cattle Farming Risk Management based on Business Typology under Supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. Agussabti, M.Si., IPU as a promoter, Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi, M.Sc.,IPU as the Co-Promoters I and Dr. Ir. Safrida, M.Si as the Co-Promoter II Livestock farming is an important agricultural sector that has been proven to be able to increase people’s income, especially in developing, low and middle income countries. In the province of Aceh, animal husbandry is one of the businesses that has great potential to be developed. This condition is supported by the socio-cultural conditions of the Acehnese who like to consume meat and the potential land resources in several areas of Aceh which support the development of livestock. Cattle farms can be categorized based on the rearing system used. Each system has different characteristics and methods for managing cattle. The typology of cattle farming businesses based on maintenance systems consists of extensive rearing system, intensive rearing system, and semi-intensive rearing system. Each system has advantages and disadvantages relative to production goals, available resources, and local conditions. The rearing system can affect production, livestock health and the sustainability of the livestock business. This research aimed to (1) analyze the characteristics of cattle farming based on business typology, (2) analyze the influence of risk management variables in cattle farming based on business typology, (3) analyze a simulation of risk management strategies for cattle farming based on cattle farming business typology in Aceh. The characteristics of cattle farming vary depending on the business typology applied. Each rearing system has advantages and disadvantages which are influenced by several factors such as environmental condition, feed availability, health management method, and production goal. Typology of livestock businesses refers to the grouping of livestock businesses based on various criteria, such as type of livestock, operational scale, business objectives, and rearing system. In this research, the business typology based on management systems consists of traditional (extensive), intensive and semi-intensive livestock rearing systems. Based on this, the research locations were carried out in three districts, namely Aceh Jaya district, Aceh Besar district, and North Aceh district where there were respective livestock rearing systems in these locations which consisted of extensive rearing system, intensive rearing system, and semi-intensive rearing system. Analysis of factors that influence the relationship between risk management variables in cattle farming based on business typology could be carried out using a simultaneous equation approach. This equation was used to understand how these variables interacted and influenced each other simultaneously. The specifications for each equation in the three cattle rearing systems consisted of the number of cattle, beef production, and cattle price. In an extensive maintenance system, the number of livestock is influenced by the cost of insemination, animal feed and the risk of disease. Beef production is influenced by the number of livestock and production risk. Meanwhile, the price of cattle is influenced by meat production, drug costs and price risk. In an intensive maintenance system, the number of livestock is influenced by the cost of insemination and animal feed. Production is influenced by the number of livestock, insemination costs and production risk. Meanwhile, the price of cattle is influenced by the cost of drugs. In a semi-intensive system, the number of cattle is influenced by the cost of insemination, animal feed, the price of livestock and the risk of disease. Meat production is influenced by the number of livestock, insemination costs and production risk. Meanwhile, the price of livestock is influenced by meat production, insemination costs and price risk. Insemination costs, animal feed and the number of livestock have a significant positive effect on livestock production and prices, while risks (disease, production, price) generally have a negative impact. Simultaneous equations in this research played an important role in formulating a simulation of cattle farming risk management strategies based on the typology of cattle farming businesses in Aceh. In an extensive rearing system, if the risk of disease decreased by 10 percent, the number of cattle would increase by 19.351 percent, beef production would increase by 9.826 percent, and the price of cattle would fall by 1.800 percent. If the production risk decreased by 10 percent, then the number of cattle would increase by 0.428 percent, beef production would increase by 2.732 percent, and the price of cattle would fall by 0.501 percent. If price risk fell by 10 percent, then the number of cattle would increase by 0.477 percent, beef production would increase by 0.24 percent, and the price of cattle would fall by 0.559 percent. In an intensive rearing system, if the risk of disease decreased by 10 percent, the number of cattle would increase by 2,424 percent, beef production would increase by 1,223 percent, and the price of cattle would increase by 0.002 percent. If the risk of production decreased by 10 percent, then the number of cattle had no impact, beef production would increase by 1.027 percent, and cattle price would increase by 0.001 percent. If the price risk fell by 10 percent, then the number of cattle would increase by 0.010 percent, beef production would increase by 0.022 percent, and the price of cattle would fall by 0.047 percent. Meanwhile, in a semi-intensive rearing system, if the risk of disease decreased by 10 percent, the number of cattle would increase by 1.535 percent, beef production would increase by 0.798 percent, and the price of cattle would increase by 0.264 percent. If the production risk decreased by 10 percent, then the number of cattle would increase by 0.245 percent, beef production would increase by 0.915 percent, and the price of cattle would increase by 0.301 percent. If the price risk fell by 10 percent, then the number of cattle would fall by 0.602 percent, beef production would fall by 0.305 percent, and the price of cattle would fall by 0.740 percent. The decrease in the risk of disease has the greatest impact on increasing the number of livestock and meat production, especially in extensive systems. Price and production risks also affect the results, but the impact is smaller than the risk of disease.
