Electronic Theses and Dissertation

Universitas Syiah Kuala




Abdul Hadi - Personal Name;

Dosen Pembimbing

Rizanizarli - 196011151989031002 - Dosen Pembimbing I
Dr. Azhari, S.H., MCL., M.A. - - - Dosen Pembimbing II

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Fakultas Hukum / Ilmu Hukum (S2) / PDDIKTI : 74101

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Banda Aceh : Program Studi Magister Hukum., 2025


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Abdul Hadi[* Mahasiswa ]*
Rizanizarli[** Ketua Komisi Pembimbing]**
Azhari[*** Anggota Komisi Pembimbing]***
Pasal 191 ayat (2) KUHAP menyatakan, jika pengadilan berpendapat bahwa perbuatan yang didakwakan kepada terdakwa terbukti, tetapi perbuatan itu tidak merupakan suatu tindak pidana, maka terdakwa diputus lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum. Dalam putusan ini apa yang didakwakan sejatinya telah terbukti secara sah dan menyakinkan menurut undang-undang, akan tetapi hakim berpendapat bukan merupakan tindak pidana, hal ini disebabkan karena ada alasan pemaaf dan alasan pembenar atau karena perbuatan tersebut bukan merupakan perbuatan perdata. Dalam hal putusan lepas karena merupakan perbuatan perdata, sampai saat ini belum ada pengaturan terkait hal tersebut, karena diputus berdasarkan penilaian hakim, berdasarkan hak itu perlu dikaji konsep putusan lepas dalam KUHAP. Putusan pengadilan merupakan penentuan nasib seseorang terduga pelaku pidana, putusan hakim diharapkan harus memuat landasan yuridis dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga perlu ada rambu-rambu atau ukuran dalam menentukan penjatuhan putusan lepas dari tuntutan hukum karena perbuatan perdata.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan Eksistensi Putusan Lepas dari Segala Tuntutan Hukum, untuk menjelaskan pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum karena merupakan perbuatan perdata, dan untuk menjelaskan dampak putusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum tersebut.
Tesis ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis-normatif, yaitu penelitian hukum yang mengkonsepsikan asas, kaidah, norma maupun doktrinTahap penelitian normatif ini dilaksanakan dengan cara melakukan studi kepustakaan, yaitu penelaahan terhadap rujukan atau sumber yang tertulis baik itu buku, jurnal, maupun peraturan perundang-undangan. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kasus (Case Apporach) dan pendekatan perundang-undangan ( Statute Approach).
Eksistensi putusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum diatur dalam rumusan Pasal 191 ayat (2) KUHAP, Putusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum pada pokoknya menyatakan terdakwa terbukti bersalah tapi bukan merupakan perbuatan pidana, baik terhapus karena ketentuan undang-undang atau merupakan perbuatan perdata, keberadaan putusan ini tetap berluku seperti putusan pengadilan lainnya, Pertimbangan hakim non yuridis telah menjadi dasar dalam putusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum karena merupakan perbuatan perdata, Putusan lepas seperti ini berdampak pada terbebasnya terdakwa dari penahanan, timbulnya upaya hukum dari jaksa dan perubahan mekanisme penyelesaian perkara bagi korban. Kepastian hukum tidak akan diperoleh dari Putusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum karena alasan perbuatan perdata, selain karena proses putusannya yang didasari pertimbangan non yuridis hakim, amar putusan lepas juga rancu sebagai sebuah kalimat hukum, satu sisi menyatakan terbukti perbuatan pidana dan satu sisi lain menyatakan bukan merupakn perbuatan pidana, agar menjmin kepastian hukum sebaiknya semua putusan pengadilan harus didasari pada pertimbangan yuridis saja.
Dalam menyikapi ptutusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum, disarankan kepada hakim menggunakan pertimbangan yuridis dalam putusannya dan putusan lepas karean alasan merupakan perbuatan perdata dapat dihindari, sehingga existensi putusan tersebut dapat memberi ekpastian hukum. Pemerintah atau lembaga yudikatif dapat menyiapkan ketentuan hukum yang relevan untuk mengatur putusan lepas karena alasan perbuatan perdata, dan diharapkan kepada hakim apabila berpendapat ada unsur keperdataan dalam pemeriksaan perkara pidana, alangkah lebih tepat jika dinyatakan unsur pasal pidana tidak terpenuhi dan terdakwa diputus bebas demi hukum, karena akan lebih memberi kepastian hukum bagi pihak yang berperkara.
Kata Kunci : Putusan Lepas, Kepastian Hukum.

LEGAL CERTAINTY IN A DECISION TO RELEASE ALL LEGAL CLAIMS IN A COURT DECISION Abdul Hadi[* Student]* Rizanizarli[** Main Supervisor]** Azhari[*** Assistant Supervisor]*** ABSTRACT Article 191 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code states that if the court is of the opinion that the act charged against the defendant is proven, but the act does not constitute a criminal offense, then the defendant shall be acquitted of all charges. In this decision, what the public prosecutor charged the defendant with has actually been proven legally and convincingly according to the law, but does not constitute a criminal offense. To emphasize, the act charged has been proven but according to the judge's judgment it does not fall within the scope of a criminal act, this is because of the existence of excuse and justification reasons or because the act does not constitute a crime. Nevertheless, since there is no regulation on acquittal as it is a civil action, it is necessary to study the concept of acquittal in the Criminal Procedure Code. The judge's decision is a verdict that determines a person's fate, the judge's decision is expected to contain the juridical basis as best as possible. So, therefore, it is necessary to have signs or measures in determining the imposition of a release decision. This research aims to explain the existence of a decision to be released from all legal claims, to find out the judge's consideration in a decision to be released from all legal claims because it is a civil action, and to explain the impact of the decision to be released from all legal claims. This thesis applies juridical-normative research, which is legal research that conceptualizes principles, rules, norms and doctrines. The normative research stages are carried out by conducting a literature study, which involves examining references or written sources, be those books, journals, or laws and regulations. The approach used in this research is a case approach and statute approach. The existence of a decision to be released from all legal claims is regulated in the formulation of Article 191 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code, a release decision is a decision that is not a conviction. The decision to be released from all legal charges principally explains that the defendant's actions are proven legally and convincingly but are not criminal acts but are civil acts, verbally or in language the sentence becomes contradictory, on the one hand stating that the criminal charges are proven but on the other hand stating that it is not a criminal act. The judge's consideration in the decision to be released from all charges because it is a civil action, consists of juridical considerations and non-juridical considerations. Juridical considerations are considerations of judges based on factors that have been revealed in the trial and by law must be explicitly contained in a decision, namely the indictment of the public prosecutor, criminal charges, witness statements, statements of the defendant, evidence, and the article charged, Article 197 letter e of the Criminal Procedure Code states that one of the things that must be contained in the verdict of punishment is the legislation that is the basis for punishment. Non-juridical considerations in a court decision must make the judge certain whether the defendant committed a criminal act or not. Regarding the decision to be released from all legal demands (onstaag van alle rechtsvervolging), several impacts will arise, including the defendant being released from detention, the rehabilitation of the defendant's good name, the emergence of reasons for the prosecutor to take cassation, and changes in the mechanism for resolving cases outside of criminal procedural law. In addressing the decision to be released from all charges, it is recommended that judges consider all aspects in examining a criminal case so that acquittals can be avoided, especially for reasons of civil liability, then the government should immediately prepare laws and regulations containing criteria or categories of acts that can be declared civil actions, and it is also expected that judges examine and decide cases appropriately, and if the judge is of the opinion that there are civil elements in the examination of criminal cases at the court, it would be more appropriate to declare that the elements of the criminal article are not fulfilled and therefore the defendant is sentenced to be acquitted by law. Keywords : Free Decision, Legal Certainty
