analisis pelaksanaan sistem penatausahaan dan pertanggungjawaban bendahara (studi kasus pada dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata provinsi aceh) | ELECTRONIC THESES AND DISSERTATION

Electronic Theses and Dissertation

Universitas Syiah Kuala


analisis pelaksanaan sistem penatausahaan dan pertanggungjawaban bendahara (studi kasus pada dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata provinsi aceh)


fibriansyah khairuddin - Personal Name;

Dosen Pembimbing

Nomor Pokok Mahasiswa


Fakultas & Prodi

Fakultas / / PDDIKTI :

Kata Kunci

Banda Aceh : Fakultas Ekonomi., 2013



No Classification


Literature Searching Service

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The study objective is to determine the system of financial planning, accounting, financial reporting and accountability treasurer at the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Province of Aceh. This research is a qualitative method of collecting data through interviews, observation, and documentation. Objects in this research is the head of administration, treasurer, and secretary of the Office of Culture and Tourism of the Province of Aceh. Data collection in this study using interviews, observation, and documentation.
Types of data used are primary data by directly interviewing the head of administration, treasurer, and secretary of the Office of Culture and Tourism of the province of Aceh.
Based on the results of the study demonstrate the implementation of the system of administration is run in accordance with government regulations, but not in accordance with government accounting standards are set, such as: report more budget balance, equity statement and cash flow statement is not done because it still relies on the Office of Finance and Wealth Management Office in Aceh .

Keyword: financial management

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